Thursday, July 12, 2012

Blogging Goals

To keep myself accountable, and to have an actual plan for this blog, I've decided to actually write down my goals for this blog!  I'm linking up with my new blog friend Cari @ The Skinny Olive for her blog goals link up!

So Universe, I'm putting it out there, I need you all to hold me accountable!

1. Blog consistently at least 3 times a week.  I am totally slacking on this one already!  I have lots of ideas, but just haven't put pen to paper (more like fingers to keyboard)yet.

2.  Be more active on the blogs that I actually read.  Hi, my name is Lacy and I'm a chronic lurker.  I have almost 200 blogs on my Google reader, and I hardly ever comment and show my appreciation to these incredible bloggers that have inspired me so much!

3. Gain followers (that are not related to me, or that I see in my daily life).  I'm pretty sure the only people that read my blog are my parents and maybe a random passer by!  I would like to think that people actually want to read what I'm writing, and will come back to read more!

4. Have sponsors.  Because I haven't set a set time limit for me to complete these goals, I don't want to put out a specific number of sponsors I would like to have.  At this point, I would do a happy little Irish jig for 1 sponsor!

5. Host a guest blogger here at Healthy Renovation, and vice versa!  I would love to be a guest blogger!  Any takers?

So there are five of my blogging goals.  Some are not measurable, so I plan on revisiting these goals in about a month, and make my goals a little more concrete and more measurable so I can actually be held accountable for my goals!

Are you a blogger that needs to set some goals for yourself?  Hop on over to Cari's Blog and link up your own blogs!

Not a blogger?  Let me know what kinds of goals you have set for yourself right now!


  1. I found your blog while doing a little page-stalking before I sign up for Cari's link-up (by the way, one of my goals is to participate in a link-up). Your goals are so similar to mine, and I'll definitely be pulling a couple for my own list :)

    1. Thank you for much for stalking! I read your goals, and we do have very similar goals. Good luck with your blog journey!

  2. I am posting my blog goals tomorrow and I'm very interested in doing guest post swaps. Cari and I did one last week and it was alot of fun. Take a look at my blog and let me know if you are interested. My email is

    1. Thanks Meredith! I would love to do a guest post. I have no idea what I would write about though! I look forward to being on this blogging journey with you! Thanks for following!

  3. I found your blog through the link up. Great set of goals! I share some of the same ones :) I also just followed your blog. Looking forward to future posts!


    1. Thank you for following! Us "new" bloggers need to stick together!
