Thursday, September 29, 2011

Baby's Drawers

Dont worry, this isn't another post about cloth diapers!

I don't know about the other parents out there, but Charlotte has an abundance of clothes.  Thanks to some friends and a very loving cousin, Charlotte has received hand-me-down clothes to last her a lifetime!

The problem we have is how to organize all her clothes.  I came across this picture on Pinterest:


The original post came from this blog:

I figured I would give it a try.  Of course I had my helper on hand!
She loves the Camera!

But I think she would rather eat it than pose!
Here are the results: 


While it is nice to see all her clothes easily, the one problem that we have run into is putting the clothes away.  Originally, I took out all the clothes and put them away at one time.  Now, when I'm putting away our weekly daily load of laundry, I have to shove and shift the clothes to get them to go in correctly.  Overall, I think this will work better when there are less clothes and larger items.  I think it will work especially well once Charlotte is able to pull out the clothes herself.  This way she'll be able to see everything and pick out what she wants to wear all by herself.  We're a few years away from that though!

Now, if only I can keep her from growing so fast... that way she will get a chance to wear all of these cute clothes!

How do you all organize your kids clothes?  Any tips on organizing different sizes at the same time...  Charlotte is currently in between 6-9 months, so I have to look at the tag everytime.

1 comment:

  1. she is so cute!

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