Sunday, August 21, 2011

I call Do-over!

Ok, I think the last three posts all start the same way...  Sorry I've been gone for a bit, etc...  Maybe this time I will mean it!  Only time will tell!

So, some changes have happened since the last post.  Charlotte is growing... FAST!  She's smiling, laughing, "talking", rolling over and eating.  What is she not doing?  Sleeping and pooping... or at least not as much as she should.

What else is new you ask?  Well, we've moved.  While we were very sad to leave our beloved Greenbriar, we are super happy in our new home.  We've gone from a 4 bedroom house with a yard (and a roommate or 2) to a 2 bedroom, 3rd floor apartment!  The dogs are still adjusting to not having their yard, but Bubba, Charlotte and I are loving our own space.  This is the first time that Bubba and I have lived together... ALONE!  Meaning, no roommate!

That's all for now folks... off to try mu hand at some baking, thanks to Pinterest.  Seriously, it's additive!  I'll let you know how it turns out...

oh ps.  Gooo Skins

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1 comment:

  1. i know what u mean about the whole roommate deal, i have been married since 2003 and not one year has yet to pass by that I can say we havent had someone staying with us, and thats kinda how its been since 1999 when I met him, But one day my year will come I hope!
    Congrats on the new place and congrats on ur healthy baby! You sound thrilled as always! And u sound like u got this down pat!
